

Saturday, February 28, 2009

10 Inovasi Terhebat Dalam 10 Tahun Terakhir

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WiFi dinobatkan sebagai inovasi teknologi terhebat dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir. Demikian hasil survei yang digelar majalah teknologi terkemuka Inggris, Stuff. WiFi dipilih oleh lebih dari sepertiga pembaca majalah itu. Banyak orang terbantu oleh jaringan WiFi yang memudahkan akses internet. Berada di posisi kedua adalah Sky+, layanan perekam video personal dari perusahaan digital Sky. Layanan ini memungkinkan pengguna merekam atau memutar ulang siaran televisi.

Gadget dari berbagai macam jenis seperti iPod atau Blackberry jadi pilihan dominan dalam survei yang dibesut di Inggris ini. Sementara Nintendo Wii jadi satu-satunya konsol game yang masuk dalam pilihan responden.

Simon Osborne-Walker dari publisher majalah Stuff menyatakan, perkembangan teknologi yang terjadi dalam satu dekade terakhir memang amat mengagumkan. Gadget semakin canggih namun kian ringkas bentuknya.

Berikut daftar 10 besar inovasi teknologi terbesar dalam 1 dekade berdasarkan survei tersebut:

1. Wireless Internet (WiFi) – 35.5 %
2. Sky+ (TV digital) – 16.9 %
3. Sat Nav (Satelit navigasi / GPS) – 16.6 %
4. Mobil Hybrid – 8.9 %
5. iPod – 5.6 %
6. Chip dan Pin (kartu identitas atau kartu kredit dengan chip sekuriti dan pin) – 5.6 %
7. Nintendo Wii – 3.9 %
8. Skype – 1.7 %
9. Oyster Card (Karcis elektronik) – 1.5 %
10. Blackberry – 1.1 %

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Kartu Nama Yang Menggunakan Interface Google Search

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format kartu nama yang satu ini sangat unik, karena secara visual ia mengisyaratkan pada orang yang anda berikan kartu tersebut, bahwa ia dapat meng-google nama anda untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai anda...

Desainer dari kartu ini adalah Ji Lee dan dengan konsepnya adalah bahwa dengan kartu ini anda tidak perlu menuliskan secara detail tentang diri anda. Tentu saja, karena orang bisa meng-google nama anda:).

Idenya boleh juga, tapi saya tidak mau kehilangan kesempatan bisnis, hanya karena orang menganggap saya tidak serius, bila menggunakan kartu nama ini.

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Monopoly 3 brings you one of the most popular board games ever with cool animated graphics & customizable rules!

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Game Description

Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200...Until you've Played Monopoly 3!

Bring the classic board game to your computer today! Build your fortune through shrewd and careful real estate transactions. Buy, sell and trade railroads and utilities, houses and hotels to get a leg up on the competition and put yourself on easy street!

Monopoly fans: Monopoly 3 is the same game you've always loved to play, with tons of exciting new features to make your experience even better.

* "Monopoly 3 is definately the best Monopoly game I've played, it's even better than the actual boardgame, Simpsons Monopoly and Star Wars Monopoly. The ability to customise the rules and always having a partner to play against (the computer) is great. I would recommend this game to anyone, anyday." - Kristi Bryson, Monopoly 3 Player

Excellent 3D graphics and animations bring Monopoly to life as never before

Each part of classic Monopoly - board, deeds, hotels and everything else - is beautifully illustrated with vibrant color and texture. Love to be the thimble, race car, or top hat? With Monopoly 3, every game piece bounces and slides with its own unique animated movements. Watch out though! Land on the jail square and a police van comes to take you away.

In addition to the classic Atlantic City game board, you can choose between 10 different boards of major North American cities like New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Toronto. Each one includes all the most recognizable places and landmarks, complete with pictures!

* "Wonderfully refreshing presents a terrific challenge. the 3d graphics are great. I had a wonderful time using this game and will buy it as soon as possible. I can hardly wait Thank you" - Margaret G. Monopoly 3 Player

One of the most popular board games of all time, sound added!

Each game piece comes with its own unique and appropriate voice remarks. Laugh out loud as the dog exclaims, "Smells like home..." in his curiously dog-like voice as he arrives on one of your properties.

A narrator announces the action as you move around the board, while pleasant Monopoly-themed music plays in the background. Sound combines with graphics and animations to fully immerse you in the world of Monopoly 3!
Tons of options let you play any way you want, on or offline

Do you like to place a nice cash bonus on Free Parking? No problem! With Monopoly 3, every aspect of the game is fully customizable. Change the rules, sound, and animation settings to suit your heart's desire, or turn them off altogether.

Go up against the computer on any of three difficulty levels, play with up to six players on or offline, or challenge a friend to a one-on-one game! It's all up to you with Monopoly 3.
Exact computer version of the classic board game, only better!

Travel back in time to happy childhood days of Monopoly on the dining room table! This time, however, you can play whenever you want; there's no waiting for parents, brothers or sisters to get home. You can also save particularly long or involved games for later.

Monopoly expert or novice, download Monopoly 3 and give it a try right now!
Monopoly 3 Download Features

* Animated tokens
* Professional and colorful 3D graphics
* Funny voice narrations
* Many customizable rules - put as much cash on Free Parking as you want or make other changes!
* Choose between 10 different major city game boards plus the classic Monopoly game board
* Compete with up to six players online or off

Full Version Features

* Unlimited play on up to 5 computers - you own the game!
* Instant activation so you can play right away with no additional downloads required if you have the trial installed!
* No shipping, waiting or CD-ROM necessary.
* 48-hour money back guarantee
* Have a blast playing a PC version that is actually better than the board game!
* Be able to play other players over a network!
* Practice your Monopoly skills so you can dominate your friends next time you play!
* Experience the great 3D animations and wonderful sound
* Play Monopoly anytime you want, with or without other players!

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Friday, February 27, 2009

[Korea] 2009 Korean Government Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students

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1. Program Objective

The objective of the Korean Government Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students is to provide international students with the opportunity to conduct advanced studies at higher educational institutions in Korea in order to promote international exchange in education and mutual friendship between countries.

2. Study Fields and the Universities

4-year undergraduate courses which are provided by designated universities.

※ Students may apply only to schools where the level of tuition is similar with the average level of Korean universities.

※ NIIED will select the designated universities. (Selected school information will be updated later.)

3. Academic Programs

Undergraduate degree courses for four years after successfully completing a one-year Korean Language Training. University transferring is not allowed.(e.g. Beginning in 3rd year is not allowed.)

4. Total Candidates for Selection : 150 people

Refer to the attachment.

5. Qualifications

Prospective applicant must meet the following qualification criteria :

(1) Applicants should be a citizen of the country to which this scholarship program is offered. (including applicant’s parents)

※ Applicants should not be a holder of Korean citizenship.

(2) Applicants should be under 25 years of age as of March 1, 2009.

(3) Have an adequate health, both physically and mentally.

※ Persons who are pregnant or having severe illness may not apply.

(4) Have finished or be scheduled to finish formal education of elementary, middle, high school outside of Korea as of March 1, 2009.

(5) Possess a grade point average (G.P.A.) above 80% from the last educational institution attended or have earned top 10% of G.P.A. among classmates.

(6) Not at any time have received a Korean government scholarship for his/her undergraduate study before.

(7) Not have enrolled in an undergraduate course in Korea before.

(8) Preferential selection for applicants who are good at Korean or English.

6. Scholarship Payment

(1) Scholarship Period

ㅇ 1 year of Korean language course and 4 years of undergraduate degree Course

(2) Scholarship Benefits

① Airplane ticket or airfare : The grantees will receive an airplane ticket or be paid an economy class airfare of the shortest route between their country and Korea when they come to Korea, and, thereafter, when the grantees leave Korea after the completion of their study.

※ NIIED does not compensate fees for the domestic travel both in the grantee’s country and Korea.

※ Airfare for entry into Korea will not be provided to a grantee who already arrived and has been staying in Korea as of the confirmation date of selection of scholarship students.

② Monthly Allowance : 800,000 won per month

③ Tuitions (an entrance fee and a registration fee) : The full entrance fee are exempted by the host institution. The full tuition is exempted by NIIED.

④ Settlement Allowance : 200,000 won upon arrival

⑤ Repatriation Allowance : 100,000 won upon completion of studies

⑥ Korean Language Training Expenses : The full costs up to 1 year (NIIED pays directly to the entrusted language training institution)

⑦ Medical Insurance: The grantees will be provided with health insurance during the period of their study program in Korea for major accidents and illnesses. (The medical fee will be reimbursed through the insurance company to the grantee after he/she pays first)

※ NIIED does not compensate fees for insurance of traveling to and from Korea.

⑧ Any grantee who gives up one’s study during the scholarship period will not receive airfare and allowance for repatriation except for the cases approved by NIIED such as severance of diplomatic relations, war or other natural disasters.

※ Any grantee who quits the program in 3 months after one’s entrance into Korea, should refund all scholarship fees(The airfare of arriving Korea, settlement allowance, monthly allowance, Korean language training expenses, etc.).

7. Cancellation or temporary suspension of Scholarship

(1) If a grantee is found engaged in any of the following activities during one’s stay in Korea, his/her scholarship will be suspended and then will be disqualified from a grantee position.

① When any documents of the scholarship application has been found false.

② When the grantee is punished by the university or involved in any form of political activity.

③ When the grantee has violated the written pledge which he/she has given to NIIED.

④ When the grantee has violated the guidelines and regulations set by NIIED.

⑤ When the grantee has been cautioned more than 2 times due to an unexcused absence or a prolonged absence from the Korean language training or the temporary departure without permission or notification

⑥ When the grantee has not earned at least 2/3 of the registered credit courses of the semester.

⑦ When the grantee has not submitted a request for re-enrollment to the university and not notified NIIED of re-enrollment without any proper reasons within one month after the period of ‘temporary absence from school’ has ended.

⑧ When the grantee has given up one’s studies.

⑨ When they refuse to study at the assigned university which is designated by NIIED after he/she finished one’s Korean language course.

(2) After the grantee begins their study at undergraduate course, the grantee should obtain a proper approval from the university where he/she studies in order to exit Korea for more than 30 days. Neglecting this rule will cause their monthly allowance to be cut for the period of absence exceeding 30 days.

8. Submission of Required Documents

(1) Place of Submission: Documents must be submitted to the Korean Embassy or Consulate in the country of origin.

(2) Deadline of Submission: The date set by the Korean Embassy or Consulate in the country of origin.

(3) Documents to be submitted

① One completed application form (on the prescribed form)

② Two 4cm x 5cm color photos

③ One Copy of a high school diploma

④ One Copy of a high school grade transcript

⑤ Two recommendation letters (from the applicant’s teacher or principle of the school, academic advisor or the relevant chief of the organization)

⑥ One Self-introduction Essay (on the prescribed form)

⑦ One NIIED Pledge (on the prescribed form)

⑧ One Study Plan (on a prescribed form)

⑨ One personal medical assessment (on a prescribed form)

⑩ One Certificate of Health authorized by a doctor (only for those candidates who are filtered and recommended by Korean Embassy or Consulate)

⑪ One copy of a certificate of Korean proficiency or English proficiency (only applicable to those who have, In 2 years after he/she took the test)

⑫ The certificates of a citizenship of the applicant and one’s parents if the applicant is a Korean abroad.

(4) Note

① Application form and other program materials are to be filled out either in Korean or in English. Certificates, credentials, etc. issued in languages other than Korean or English must include official translation verified by a notary.

② Submitted documents will not be returned to the applicant.

③ Incomplete or incorrect documents are subject to rejection by NIIED.

9. Scholarship Award Procedures

(1) The Korean Embassy or Consulate abroad makes a preliminary checking of applicants based upon the recommendations and cooperation of the government of the applicant’s.

(2) The Korean Embassy or Consulate abroad recommends the selected candidates to the National Institute for International Education (NIIED), along with the documents through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

(3) NIIED Review Committee selects the final candidates and, through the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, informs the Korean Embassies in the countries concerned.

(4) If there is a vacancy by abandonment of the nominee, then the additional selection can be made among those applicants who have good academic record, concerning the demand of other countries.

10. Academic Study in Korea

(1) Korean Language Course

① Duration : One year (Additional class for 6 months is available after entering the undergraduate school)

② Institution : Institutions which NIIED designates for Korean language training

③ Note : The Bachelor’s degree candidates are expected to possess a good command of Korean since the language of instruction is Korean in most university classes.

(2) Admission to an Undergraduate Degree Program

① Be admitted to a designated university selected by NIIED.

② The grantees can apply to up to 3 schools among designated universities, then the admission will be decided by the total grade of Korean proficiency, English proficiency and each university’s own evaluation.

③ If the grantee can not get admission to any of the 3 universities to which he/she applied, then NIIED and university will assign a school to the grantee at discretion.

(3) Graduation of Undergraduate Course

① If the grantee is needed to write a final thesis, then it must be written in Korean in principle.

② If the final thesis is must be written in another foreign language, then the grantee should submit a summary in Korean to NIIED.

11. Important things

(1) Entry

① The grantees must arrive in Korea by March 27, 2009.

② If the grantee does not enter Korea by the date stated above without any special reason, the scholarship award will be canceled.

(2) Preparation for Entry

① Prior to arrival, the grantees should acquire some knowledge about the Korean climate, customs, culture, etc.

② Every grantee should read the 「Guidebook for Korean Government Scholarship - Undergraduate Students」 thoroughly, which will be distributed prior to arriving in Korea. The grantee should keep it for reference while staying in Korea.

③ The grantee will begin to receive their monthly allowance from April 1st, 2009. Therefore, he/she is advised to bring extra money to cover their living expenses for the first month.

④ The grantee is required to get a visa before arriving in Korea.

※ Visit the Consular section of the Korean embassy or consulate in one’s country of residence with the invitation letter from NIIED, after being informed of one’s selection.

⑤ The grantee is strongly asked not to bring one’s family to Korea in principle. However, if the grantee who is already married wants to bring his/her family, then the one can bring only his/her spouse and children. Even in this case, the grantee must not bring one’s family during his/her Korean language training period. After the language period, if the grantee wishes to be accompanied by one’s family, the living expenses will not be provided for family dependents and the grantee should make a proper preparations.

⑥ The grantee supposed not leave Korea during the period of Korean language training, in principle.

※ In special cases(e.g. funeral of one’s parents, one’s own wedding, treatment of illness, etc.), the grantee may leave Korea for a maximum of 2 weeks after he/she gets the permission from NIIED

⑦ Useful Websites

ㅇ Korean Language Study http://www.kosnet.go.kr

ㅇ Korean Universities http://www.studyinkorea.go.kr

ㅇ Korean Culture http://korea.net/

ㅇ The Korean Embassy abroad http://www.mofat.go.kr

ㅇ Entry & Residence http://immigration.go.kr

(3) Housing :

① The grantees would reside in a university dormitory.

② The dormitory fee would be deducted by university out of the monthly allowance.

(4) The grantee under the auspices of the Korean Government should abide by the regulations specified by NIIED and the University.

(5) For further information, please contact :

① The Korean Embassy or Consulate in the country of origin.

② The National Institute for International Education (NIIED)

ㅇ Mailing Address : #205, Dongsung-dong 181, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 110-810, Republic of Korea

ㅇ Website : ① http://yoohak.niied.go.kr → Korean Government Scholarship Program → FAQ

② http://www.niied.go.kr → News

ㅇ Phone : +82-2-3668-1355



ㅇ Fax : +82-2-743-4992

ㅇ E-mail : edukor@mest.go.kr



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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Concept Sciences Economic Development

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Economic Development is a branch of economics that analyzes the problems faced by developing countries is growing and getting ways to overcome the problems is that developing countries can build the economy with faster again.

Economic Development activities are conducted to develop the economy and standard of living of communities or
A process which caused the income perkapita population increase in the long term
Economic Analysis of Development Problems = Developing Countries

Ranking countries of the world

I. Based on the level of welfare of the community:

a. Country To The World-I (First World)
(State forward / Developed Country)

Western European (English, French, Dutch, Portuguese, West Germany)
North America (USA, Canada)
Australia, New Zeland, Japan, Korea, China

b. Countries to the World-II (Second World)
(State forward / Developed Country)
- Eastern Europe (Russia, Poland, East Germany, Czech)

c. Country To The World-III (Third World)
(Developing Country / Country South)
- Most of Asia (except Japan, Korea and China),
- African Countries
- Countries in Latin America (South and Central America).

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Ikan lele pemakan manusia...

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Suatu ketika di area sebuah waduk di China digemparkan dengan sering hilangnya warga setempat secara misterius. Beberapa orang yang datang ke waduk tersebut tidak pernah kembali lagi tanpa diketahui keberadaannya.

Karena penasaran, masyarakat sekitar daerah itu segera menyelidikinya. Dan hasilnya sangat mengejutkan. Mereka malah menemukan sebuah ikan lele raksasa sepanjang 3 meter dan lebarnya 1 meter.

Karena dicurigai hilangnya beberapa orang penduduk itu mungkin berkaitan dengan si lele, maka ikan lele raksasa tersebut ditangkap dan dibunuh rame-rame.

Hasilnya bisa Anda lihat di gambar ini. Si Lele dibantai hingga berdarah-darah. Selanjutnya apa yang didapatkan ketika perut si lele disembelih? Mari kita ngintip bersama.

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Five Awesome Tips You Can Use to Make Money From Home!

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Every day more and more people drop their 9 to 5 jobs looking to make money from home. With so many benefits to starting a career from home, who can blame them? Unfortunately, many people find out that it is not as easy as originally thought to have success online. Here are five tips to make money from home.

1. Plan

If you want to have success online, it is essential you develop an in-depth plan. You want to know what you are going to do, who you are going to target, how you will market, and when you want to accomplish various things. While your plan will certainly change down the road, it is vital you have a plan in the beginning stages to fall back on.

2. Goals

It can be a bit of a reality shocker for some people when they start their home business venture and see how much freedom is given to them. Because of this, it can be difficult to remain motivated enough to get the work done. However, having goals can give you something to work for and strive for. Make sure to set challenging goals that are realistic and within reaching distance.

3. Research

Whether you are just starting out or have had a business for awhile now, research is crucial to make money from home. The internet is constantly changing regardless of what industry or niche you are in. In order to stay with or ahead of the competition, it is up to you to know what is changing and what is new within your niche. The last thing you want is for a customer to know more about your niche than you do.

4. Marketing

Perhaps the most difficult thing to do with a home business is generate traffic to your site. You can have the most amazing site on the internet, but if people are not coming to it you are not going to last. Because of this, you have to put together an outstanding marketing campaign that will generate a plethora of prospects.

5. Customer service

For whatever reason, customer service is one facet of having a home business that people tend to forget about. The customer is the only reason you are still around on the internet. Therefore, you need to make it a point of yours to see that every web site visitor and customer gets the respect they deserve. Go out of your way to make sure they are satisfied.

“If You Take Care Of Your Customers Your Business Will Take Care Of Its Self”

Everyone wants to make money from home, but unfortunately not many have the success they had hoped for. The internet truly does present opportunities that no other industry can offer. Therefore, take the tips listed in this article into consideration when you begin your work from home.

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Monday, February 23, 2009

Bunaken National Park, North Sulawesi

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A flat island about 15 km from Manado, with a friendly people. The coral reefs off Bunaken island shouldn't be missed while you are in Manado. These magnificent virgin reefs are still relatively unspoiled. The drop-off walls at Liang cove is not only rare in the world, with caves, gullies and caverns, harboring an immense wealth of marine life. Spectacular formation of reefs begin with flat at about 5 m depth. These plunge downward to form underwater vertical crevices with often reach depth on several hundred meters. On these beautiful reefs, a wonderful collection of marine life thrives.

The Bunaken reef is a chain of over 40 five star dive spots. The Marine Park is spectacular with the greatest concentration of tropical fish, coral species and world famous wall diving.
Clear, warm waters (sea temperatures usually range between 27-30 degrees C), light currents and calm seas allow easy access to the underwater attraction awaiting visitors to the five-islands of the Bunaken-Manado Tua National Marine Park which sits directly offshore of Manado. Bunaken is the standout favorite, with the highest density of schooling fish and the greatest probability to see larger species such as turtles, sharks, and napoleon wrasse. There are enough sites here to keep any diver happy for over a week without going elsewhere.

The Dive Sites :
Most diving takes place near Bunaken and Manado Tua, because of their many excellent sites. The following is representative of the diving in the area.

Lekuan Walls (I, II, III)
This long wall on Bunaken is divided into three sites: Lekuan I, II and III. Together they represent the park's best. Steep walls are marked with deep crevices, sea fans and giant sponges. The shallows are filled with fishes. The wall, often protected from stronger currents, is frequented by bumphead parrotfish, turtles, and Napoleon wrasses.
Mandolin has a knockout reef crest and a wall that attracts thousands of fishes like schooling fusiliers, surgeonfish, unicornfish, and bannerfish. They are acclimated to divers and are easily approachable.
Bunaken Timor
There are strong currents and lots of fishes on this long wall. The shallow reef isn't as spectacular as some but there are turtles, sharks, eagle rays, and other big fishes in the blue. Overhangs and small caves mark the wall.
Tanjung Kopi
Tanjung Kopi is a nice wall with a small school of barracuda and lots of sweetlips. Visibility in the shallows is not terrific but the numbers of fishes make up for it. Nudibranches and fire gobies are easy to spot here.
Siladen Island
Siladen has a beautiful wall of soft corals that bloom when the current is running. The shallows are nice with lots of fishes and schooling snappers.
Muka Gereja
Muka Gereja is a pretty site with thousands of fishes in the shallows and deeper canyons that lead to the wall.
Barracuda Point
Barracuda Point, on northwest Montehage, is one of the furthest sites. A school of giant barracuda are regulars along with jacks and tuna.
Manado Wreck
This 60m (200ft) long German merchant ship sank near Molas Beach in 1942. It sits upright with the bow at 23m (78ft). The ship is split near amidships back to the stern, exposing the wheelhouse and cargo holds. Dives finish up on a nearby shallow reef. Expect 10-15m (30-50ft) visibility.

Getting There

Bunaken Island is easily reached from Manado by motorized outrigger boat start from Manado harbor, Molas, Kalasey and Tasik Ria beaches. The public boats from Manado to Bunaken are leaving daily around 2 p.m (depending on tide), except Sundays, from Pasar Jengki near Manado harbor. Back from Bunaken to Manado usually early in the morning, around 7-8 a.m

Where to Stay

On the island you have the choice amongst a number of homestays, with rates starting at
Rp. 40 000 per day and person including full board. Some of the dive operations on Bunaken are offering more up-market accommodation, and even running water.

Moving Around

You can explore the land on foot. And you can use a boat to move from one dive sites to another sites.

Dining Guide

There are several of restaurants and cafes throughout Manado and the islands. Try their specialties: seafood, bubur manado and food made of coconuts!

Souvenir Tips

Sea-related products, such as items made of seashells, corals, etc

Other Things to See or Do

Diving, swimming, and snorkeling.
Walking around on the beach.
Sampling the tempting seafood cuisine.
Ornithologists and amateur bird-watchers might find visiting Tangkoko Dua Sudara Nature Reserve entertaining.

Travel Tips

Entrance tags and tickets can be purchased through marine tourism operators based in Manado and in the Bunaken National Park, or can be purchased from one of three ticket counters in Bunaken and Liang villages on Bunaken Island and on Siladen Island;
You should be aware that during the absolute peak season months July and August it usually gets VERY busy. Many of the better resorts and dive operators will not be able to accept walk-ins during that time since they are fully booked. Better make a reservation before;
Try to hire equipment from larger firms as these tend to be more reliable, but remember the responsibility of checking the equipment is ultimately yours.

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Doctoral research opportunities ESRC PhD Studentships

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Four ESRC studentships are available from September 2009 tenable for either 1+3 or +3 scheme. We are looking for a highly motivated candidate who have a first class or upper second class degree and a Masters in a related discipline to pursue PhD studies in any area of research expertise within the School.

Candidates who have not completed an ESRC-recognised research training masters course will be considered for 1+3 award. Successful 1+3 candidates are required to undertake one of the School's recognised masters courses, followed by three years doctoral research.

ESRC 1+3 and +3 Quota Studentships are available to candidates who are classed as Home student for tuition fee purposes. EU nationals who have not been resident in the UK for 3 years immediately preceding the date of an award are eligible for tuition fee only awards. Please refer to ESRC Guidance for full details.

The studentships cover tuition fees, a starting stipend of £13,290 per year (not subject to income tax or National Insurance deductions) and research training support grant.

Further details regarding eligibility for ESRC funding can be found at: www.esrc.ac.uk
information: mbs

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Great Mailing List For Your Business

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Do you have a company that requires service campaign? If your answer is yes, I have an important information for you. Now, you can make a massive campaign easily through mortgage mailing list that provided by heritagelist. A huge mailing list that absolutely you can use it entirely. This is completely true because the American Heritage is come to bring the real answers to the needs of your campaign will be.

With massive Mortgage Mailing List from the Heritage List, the later you will get your marketing list is easy, convenient, and safe from the threat of spam. In addition, with mortgage mailing list you can also obtain mailing leads for your business. Very promising, right? So with the super service from heritagelist this, you can get two things at one time and really great offers, at once you will able to have your own marketing list and promising mailing leads that will make your customers stay with you.

Still worry about this services ? I recommend you not to worry about anything in this great offer because heritagelist is very great company that have a real cPcity and capability to bring your service going to the top. As additional information, American Heritage Data Corporation is one of the greatest company that will help you build your mailing list, telemarketing lists and direct marketing solutions for your own business no matter how big or small your business. I very recommend you to use their services because they will bring you to the top of success.

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Promoting your Business Using Affiliate Marketing

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You started your own online business, everything’s there; your website’s running, every link in it is functioning as it should be, the products or services you’re selling are there, but your sales are at an all time low.

Why? You probably thought that starting an online business just requires you to put up a functioning website; this is where you are wrong.

Starting an online business is not as easy as it seems. As with other businesses, you have to advertise your products in order to lure people in and start buying your products.

So just how do you advertise in the internet?


There are a number of ways to promote your online business in the internet. One of them is through affiliate programs.

Affiliate programs works by posting your banners and links to other websites. Most of these are free; you only pay affiliates for every customer referrals from their website who buys your product.

For example, Customer “A” visits your affiliate’s website, then customer “A” gets interested in the product you are selling, and then customer “A” clicks on your link or banner in your affiliate’s website. Customer “A” is then redirected to your website so that he/she can buy the product you are selling.

You then pay your affiliate with a specified amount of commission for that product.

How would you find affiliates who would want to post your links and banners free?

There are so many people in the internet willing to post your links and banners free. People like to use affiliate programs because they practically do not have to do anything hard through this form of advertising.

All they do is promote their website in order to generate targeted internet traffic to their website, therefore, generating targeted traffic to your website and produce more sales.

All they do is hope and pray that a visitor from their website will buy your product in order to get a commission.

To find a good number of affiliates who are willing to promote your products free, you first have to sign up with an affiliate-tracking program.

After signing up, you now have to make a decision on how much you are going to pay your affiliate for each sold product.

You then design some banners or text link that your affiliates can use to post in their website.

Now you are set. All you have to do is wait for affiliates to sign up in the affiliate tracking program and start promoting your products.

Although affiliates can promote your products or services free, you still have to take care of your affiliates in order to promote your product more diligently and with loyalty.

To get affiliate’s loyalty and get them to work harder in promoting your products, pay them well. Give your affiliates a high commission rate for every products sold with their referrals. Not only that it will keep your affiliates from leaving you but it will also attract more affiliates to sign up for you.

You also have to track the sales generated by each and every affiliates referred to you. If you have lots of affiliate, you can easily track their referrals and sales through the affiliate tracking company you signed up for.

You also have to pay your affiliates as early as possible for their sales. Letting them wait for months will discourage them to promote your products and leave you. For this, you have to set up a minimum payment requirement in order to track which affiliate you have to pay.

Be professional, answer questions from emails from your affiliates regarding your affiliate program as soon as you can. Do this in a friendly and professional manner.

Create an affiliate’s newsletter. This is a great way to show your support your affiliate and a great way to give them tips on how to market your products more effectively.

Give your top affiliates bonuses for the sales they bring you and include them in your newsletter for your affiliates. This will get your other affiliates to work harder in promoting your products, and a little competition is good for your affiliates.

Create an affiliate’s only chat room. This will enable your affiliates to speak with each other and discuss about how to make your products to sell more. Providing them with chat rooms or discussion boards will show how much you support them. It is also a good way to give tips and advice on how to market your products.

Affiliate programs are a great and cheap way to advertise your products. Your affiliates will work hard if you give them enough benefits and bonuses for promoting your products or services.

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Dirt fish healthful sea

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If asked what animal the most of life at sea of fish is answered. According to the scientists was that the fish also determine whether or not the quality of sea water. It dirt that control the carbon cycle in the sea water so that the resistance to climate change.

Computer modeling shows that the population of fish feces that contain calcium carbonic inorganic carbon in a high degree of benefit to control sea-water acidity. In addition to controlling the acidity, the shape of carbonic calcium as white as chalk is also useful to support the marine ecosystem and the formation of coral reefs.

"Compound helps control the amount of carbon dioxide is absorbed from the atmosphere to the oceans of the future," said Villy Christensen from the University of British Columbia reported the research in the journal Science teranyar such as Reuters dilansir.

During this, the source of calcium known carbonic only come from renik plankton organisms. However, fish feces contribute between 3-15 per cent carbonic calcium in the sea or around 110 million tons per year. That is new bony fish population, a group of fish that are hard bony body. Bony fish represent 90 percent of the population of fish in the ocean. Shark and ray do not fit in this group.

"Bony fish population is estimated that between 812 million to 2 billion tail pressing the impact of climate change through the cycle karbonnya," said Christensen. Because the impact of climate change continues to increase, the role will semakain big fish in the ocean chemical cycles in the future.

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Weird Vehicle...

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